Male Enhancement Myths Debunked & What Really Works

here is no shortage of male enhancement misinformation online. Many men in Atlanta and around the country are searching for practical, real solutions to improve their sexual performance and lifestyle. If you’re one of them, you might have encountered frustratingly poor results from any option you’ve tried.

To prevent you from wasting more time and money on false promises, we’ve put together common male enhancement myths and offered a solution that works in the following article.

Myth #1. Pills and Supplements Can Instantly Make My Penis Bigger

You’ve probably seen the commercials, “Grow 3 inches instantly with our penis enhancing supplements,” but are those claims real?

Unfortunately, most men find out the hard way that these claims have no basis in scientific reality. In fact, many of them are recalled by the FDA or pulled from shelves because of dangerous levels of toxins or lead.

These supplements are not approved by the FDA and are likely to do more harm than good.

Myth #2. Only Surgery Can Effectively Increase Penis Size

If you’re searching for the top-rated male enhancement methods, you’ve probably run into penis lengthening surgery. This surgery releases the ligament that attaches the penis to the middle of the pelvis, which pushes the penis out further from the pelvis.

While this isn’t an ineffective option, it does in fact produce results, it is not the only way to increase the size of your penis. 

Myth #3. All Male Enhancement Products Are Unsafe

While we did mention how unregulated the supplement industry is and how that can lead to problems, it is untrue to say that all male enhancement products are unsafe. In fact, multiple options can make your penis bigger without harming the rest of your body.

Top-rated male enhancement solutions, like those offered by certified urologists in Atlanta, are developed with patient safety at the forefront. These treatments undergo rigorous testing and are performed by experienced medical professionals who adhere to high standards of care.

Of course, before you sign up for any male enhancement procedure, read the fine print and do your research to find the right doctor for the job.

Myth #4. Results Are Immediate and Permanent

Most men who are searching for top-rated male enhancement procedures want immediate results. Unfortunately, that isn’t a possibility. The reality is much more complex. Permanent methods are typically achieved when you invest time and money into them.

Approach any male enhancement procedure or solution you choose with patience and balanced expectations. The final results could take weeks to experience the full effect. Understand that lasting results are possible and often require follow-up appointments to reap the full rewards from.

What Really Works–Proven Male Enhancement Methods in the Atlanta and Jacksonville areas

Cutting through the noise to determine the top-rated male enhancement options available to you is difficult, but understanding what’s real and what’s fake is an important first step.

The key to successful results lies in choosing a scientific-backed solution.

For example, at UroHard in Warner Robins, GA and Jacksonville, FL, we use top-rated, medically approved male enhancement solutions, including permanent nonsurgical options like penile fillers. Our Board-Certified Urologist, Dr. Melvin Fussell, provides expert-backed treatments that deliver the lasting results you want.

If you want the top-rated male enhancement solution in the Atlanta and Jacksonville areas, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fussell to see if his treatment options are right for you.

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